Telford & Wrekin Local Offer

SEND - Local offer

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The health service must also cooperate with the Local Authority in the creation of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) by advising on what kind of health provision is reasonably required by the learning difficulties and disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEND.

This could include specialist support and therapies, such as medical treatments and delivery of medications, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy, a range of nursing support, specialist equipment, wheelchairs and continence supplies. If your child currently meets thresholds for NHS Continuing Health Care, this will not change as we move to the new system, and their continuing health care will form part of their EHCP.

The EHCP must be approved by the relevant health commissioning body, in Telford and Wrekin this will be the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and if it is approved, the health service must ensure that the support set out in the EHCP is made available. Where health needs can be met by services commissioned by the CCG approval will be delegated to the relevant health care professionals.

As part of this process the Health Service needs to appoint a Designated Medical Officer (DMO), an individual whose role is to ensure that the CCG is meeting its statutory responsibilities for SEND. This person will also work with services to provide advice and support on health issues for those young people who have an EHCP.

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