Telford & Wrekin Local Offer

SEND - Local offer

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Targeted Preventative Support

Targeted preventative support is for children whose needs are moderate/severe and have a moderate impact on daily living and/or development.

Take a look at the pages below to find services, opportunites and activities that are local to Telford and are designed to meet the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Finding something they love to do after school or in the holidays can help children and young people with additional needs to see that we’re all good at different things. Clubs and activities mean children and young people can meet peers with similar interests and maybe make some friends. Becoming part of a group or a member of a team can do wonders for their confidence and social skills.

If you are looking for a list of services, including charities, financial support, days out, parent carer forums, and much more, please view our A-Z booklet by following the link below.

Download the  A-Z booklet

iCan2 Membership

iCan2 is designed to create fun and engaging opportunities for children and young people with moderate, severe, and profound disabilities who are unable to access universal/universal plus services. iCan2 activities, including creative arts, sports and leisure and youth clubs, are commissioned by the local authority. Members can also access activity passes for local attractions. iCan2 is a membership scheme and you can find out more and download the application form here

My Options – Young People’s Services

My Options – Young People’s Services now incorporates the following services, which were previously known collectively as ICan2: Access To Activities, Sports & Leisure, PA2A and Kreative Kids. 

Sports & Leisure – at a new home at Arthog Outreach Centre in Wellington

Arts & Crafts – at Southwood Activity & Wellbeing Hub in Hollinswood

Club 17 – at Southwood Activity & Wellbeing Hub in Hollinswood.

For further information on the services we will provide this summer and information about the latest changes to My Options services visit this link or visit our Facebook My Options - Activity, Wellbeing & Care - Home | Facebook or ICan2 Sports and Leisure - Home | Facebook

Contact My Options:
Telephone - 01952 381317
Email -
or click here to download our application


Happy Healthy & Active Holiday Programme

Telford & Wrekin Council's Happy Healthy & Active Holiday programme is all about creating positive, enriching and engaging activities that are inclusive for local children and young people aged 5-16 years.

Find out more

Live Well Telford

Live Well Telford provides information and signposting to a wide range of services, activities and organisations in the area, to help everyone find the support they need to live healthy independent lives.

View the Live Well Telford website 

How to add or update your activity details

Do you provide a service for children & young people with special educational needs and disabilities, please complete the form (available to download) below or contact us at to add your service to the directory.

Download: SEND Local Offer – Activities & Events