Telford & Wrekin Local Offer

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SEND Training Courses

Save the Date - SENCo Network Meeting

Please save the date in your diary for the next SENCo Network Meeting , it will be on:

Thursday 8 June 2023
4pm - 5.30pm

Face to Face - Venue to be confirmed.

Please keep a lookout for more information!

SENCO: Establishing Yourself as a SEND Leader

This is a 6 part series, there are 2 session remaining this year. 4-5pm via Teams.

Information report writing – Wednesday 28 June 2023

Governor’s Responsibilities for SEND

This course ensures governors with the responsibility of SEND have up to date knowledge of the SEND agenda and develop their skills as a critical friend.

Wednesday 14 June 2023
5pm to 7pm via Teams

Course Code: LSAT 212

AET Autism Education Trust

A reminder for any school wishing to book AET GAP training to get their training requests in as soon as possible. We are now taking requests for training in 2023/2024 for those of you looking to plan PD days for the upcoming academic year.

For more information about Training Courses, please take a look at the Telford Education Services Website to view the CPD Booklet for Schools and download the course booking form.

Telford Education Services Website

TalkBoost - Reminder Online Tracker

Please can we remind all schools who have been on the TalkBoost Training to make sure they use the online tracker and tick the data sharing box in settings so that data can be collated.

If you have any queries please contact us by email at:

TalkBoost KS2

Following a successful bid for funding the Telford and Wrekin LSAT Team is in a position to be able to offer training for ICAN’s Talk Boost KS2 programme free of charge to all Junior, Primary and Secondary schools in Telford.

Thursday 29 June 2023
9am - 3pm
Microsoft Teams

Please note, this is likely to be the last opportunity to access this free of charge.

What is TalkBoost KS2?

Talk Boost KS2 is a targeted intervention aimed at children 7-10 years old with delayed language, aiming to boost their language skills
and help them to catch up with their peers. The programme aims to accelerate children’s progress in language and communication,
after an eight week intervention.

Why should you sign up?

As previously communicated, The Speech and Language Therapy Team are moving towards a graduated response model which, for
some children, will involve collating evidence of having implemented one of the recognised screening and intervention tools prior to
referral. Being able to deliver TalkBoost KS2 in your school will enable you to evidence your graduated response.

What’s included?

  • For Junior and Primary schools only:
    One pack of resources per school (RRP £500).
  • A full day of online training for 2 members of staff (this should be a class teacher and TA who will be overseeing and delivering
    the intervention together)

For secondary schools:

We recognise that not all secondary schools will need to carry out this intervention. We are offering free training for 2 members of staff from your school and will then have packs of resources that we can loan out for secondary schools who have students in Years 7/8 who will benefit.

We will ask our Primary and Junior schools to indicate during transition any Y6 students who are coming up in September who they feel would benefit. You will not be able to borrow the resources and deliver the intervention unless someone has had the training.

The closing date for signing up is: Thursday 15 June 2023.

To make a booking, please send a completed booking form to:

Telford Education Services Website