Telford & Wrekin Local Offer

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SENCo Network Meetings


SENCo Network Meetings are an opportunity to find out the latest information from SEND 0-25, to network and to provide and receive support from other professionals. 

They are an opportunity for SENCo’s, senior and middle leaders from primary, secondary and specialist maintained schools to share collaborative working, best practice, policy changes and good news stories of how we all can make a difference to Children & Young People living in Telford & Wrekin..

Invitations will be sent to all SENCo’s a week before the SENCo Network Meetings or Workshops.

If you are new to your role working in a School, Early Years Setting or Post 16 Provider and would like to attend the SENCo Network Meetings please request an invitation by sending an email containing your name, position and school to

If you are a professional who would like to attend the SENCo Network Meetings, please contact us by email, sending your name, position and service area to:

Slides from previous SENCo Network meetings:

13 June 2024

Save the dates:

Dates for next term will be added here, soon.

How to book:

Please save the dates in your diaries, invitations will be sent a week before the meeting. If you would like to update or add your contact details to the invitation list, please email