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EHC Needs Assessment Request Form and Guidance for Educational Settings

Checklist 2

The following updated guidance and new EHC assessment form has been produced to support educational settings when requesting an EHC needs assessment. The new EHC needs assessment form and associated guidance, was piloted during the 17/18 Autumn Term by educational settings, and feedback from professionals was that it aligned successfully to the focus on delivering a high quality graduated approach.

Please note these changes only apply to professionals and educational settings who are making a request for an EHC assessment. Parents and young people should continue to use the documentation and guidance available here if they are considering making a request for an EHC assessment.

Download EHC Needs Assessment Request Form and Guidance
Download EHC Needs Assessment Request Form (PDF)
Download EHC Needs Assessment Request Form (WORD document)

Download EHC Needs Assessment Parent/Carer Request Form 

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