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SEND and AP Change Programme

West Midlands Change Programme

Telford and Wrekin have been selected as the Lead Local Authority for the West Midlands Region, working alongside Shropshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire.  

All Local Authorities in the West Midlands Region will work with the Department for Education (DfE) to pilot the SEND and AP Change Programme, sharing practice and learning from the other 8 regional areas nationally. 

This is a two-year programme. 

Monthly Update for the end of July 2024: Telford and Wrekin Parent Carers

For more information about each of the reforms, please sign up for the REACh webinars and newsletters.

If you wish to provide feedback or ask questions about any aspects of the Change Programme, please contact:
Jayne Stevens at PODS Parent carer Forum:, Tel: 07775 342092 or IASS: Telford SENDIASS | SENDIASS Telford


Activity over the past month

Next steps and how you can get involved

Alternative Provision (AP)

The SEND&AP Improvement Plan is a 3-tier model for AP and mainstream settings based on earlier identification of need and targeted support in mainstream schools to address needs early and reduce preventable exclusion.

The Telford and Wrekin AP Steering group have agreed the AP Implementation Plan (APIP) which will further develop the three-tier model of Alternative Provision in Telford and Wrekin.

Funding for delivering the Alternative Provision Implementation Plan (APIP) has now been agreed and released.  

Next steps:

  • PODS Parent Carer Forum is a member of the Steering Group and will continue to contribute to meetings and be involved in decision making.
  • Co-production of a Parent Carer and CYP guide to Alternative Provision in Telford and Wrekin.

How you can get involved:

Please contact PODS Parent Carer Forum or IASS if you wish to provide feedback or ask questions

Multi Agency panels

This reform seeks to implement minimum standards for Multiagency panels with the aim of seeing:

  • improved family experiences, and confidence in SEN support (where relevant)
  • declining trends in mediation / tribunal rates

better join-up between strategical and operational practices across the partnership.

Our multiagency (EHC) panel has been observed by REACh and we have received very positive feedback regarding our panel's processes.

Next Steps:

  • EHC Panel Terms of Reference to be updated to fully embed representation from across the system and improve parent carer confidence

How you can get involved:

  • Please contact PODS Parent Carer Forum or IASS using the details at the top of this page if you wish to provide feedback or ask questions

ELSEC (Early Language Support for Every Child)

ELSEC seeks to support education settings by modelling how they might access a more flexible, responsive workforce for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs within Early Years and Primary School Settings.


A team of 7 SLCN Practitioners have now been recruited and will all start in September. Initially, they will focus on supporting schools and settings directly involved with the programme to screen identified cohorts of children for speech language and communication needs.

Next Steps:

  • Complete recruitment of a Band 7 SLT
  • Finalise training plan for the ELSEC workforce
  • Begin co-production of universal offer for SLCN

How you can get involved:

Strengthened Mediation

Mediation is part of the appeal process when there is disagreement over an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or an EHC Needs Assessment. Data is being collected to better understand the use and impact of SEND mediation.

We have contacted our mediation providers and have asked them start collecting mediation data ready for the first return at the end of September.

Next Steps:

  • Collate and analyse mediation data. 

How you can get involved:

Please contact PODS Parent Carer Forum or IASS using the details at the top of this page if you wish to provide feedback or ask questions

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Standardisation

  • The DfE has produced a new, standardised template for EHCPs. The EHCP template is designed to improve the consistency and quality of EHCPs and is based on intensive coproduction.

The SEND team are continuing to test the EHC template and have already completed the initial 80 cases requested. They will continue to use the new template with some cases moving forward. We have carried out some initial feedback sessions with settings and parent carers but will be putting more of these on in the Autumn term. 

Next Steps:

  • Parent Carer feedback session
  • Schools and Early Years settings feedback session

How you can get involved:

If your child(ren) has received an EHCP on the new template, please look out for an e-mail invitation to attend a feedback session in the Autumn term. You can also provide feedback via your SEND Officer

Advisory Tailored Lists

Advisory tailored lists have been designed to improve experiences of the placement process by illustrating choice for families, ensuring placements are suitably matched for the needs of the child or young person, and supporting LAs to strategically manage their placements and provision.  


We have started to review the information about SEND provision in individual schools and settings currently available to Parent Carers on our Local Offer.

Next Steps:

  • Complete a ‘gap analysis’ task of available information against the criteria highlighted by parent carers from our ATL survey.

How you can get involved:

National Standards and Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP)

Work on National Standards is being planned with a view to setting clear national expectations for what ‘good’ looks like in identifying and supporting the four areas of special educational needs.

In Telford and Wrekin we have reviewed what our current understanding is around Ordinarily Available Provision at a Local Authority level.

Next Steps:

  • To draw up a plan for further developing the expectations of Ordinarily Available Provision and Inclusive mainstream practice in Telford and Wrekin schools and settings and co-producing clear documentation.

How you can get involved:

  • Look out for opportunities to contribute to the co-production of our Ordinarily Available Provision documents

Local Area Inclusion Plan (LAIP)

The Local Area Inclusion Plan will unify existing documents to create a single local area inclusion plan, written on a new national template.  



The final draft of Telford and Wrekin’s Local Area Inclusion Plan has been presented to the SEND and AP Partnership Board and has now been agreed and signed off.

Next steps:

  • The final document will now be submitted to the DfE.

Bands and Tariffs

The DfE are collating data from all Change Programme Partnerships regarding bands and tariffs used when providing high needs funding for SEND.


We have provided the requested data. No further work or engagement from the partnership areas is planned at this stage.


Inclusion Dashboards

The inclusion dashboard is designed to bring together SEND and AP performance indicators into a single online platform and will be fully accessible to the public.


The Department has recently concluded the reviewing of the first phase of the dashboard through the Change Programme and are now reviewing the next steps.


Download this table for better viewing here

Monthly Update for the end of July 2024: Telford and Wrekin Professionals

For more information about each of the reforms, please sign up for the REACh webinars and newsletters.


Activity over the past month

Next steps and how you can get involved

Inclusion Dashboards

The inclusion dashboard is designed to bring together SEND and AP performance indicators into a single online platform and will be fully accessible to the public.

The Department has recently concluded the reviewing of the first phase of the dashboard through the Change Programme and are now reviewing the next steps.


Local Area Inclusion Plan (LAIP)

The Local Area Inclusion Plan will unify existing documents to create a single local area inclusion plan, written on a new national template.

The final draft of Telford and Wrekin’s Local Area Inclusion Plan has been presented to the SEND and AP Partnership Board and has now been agreed and signed off.

Next steps:

  • The final document will now be submitted to the DfE.

How you can get involved:

  • The LAIP will be reviewed in the future – further details to follow

Alternative Provision (AP)

The SEND&AP Improvement Plan is a 3-tier model for AP and mainstream settings based on earlier identification of need and targeted support in mainstream schools to address needs early and reduce preventable exclusion.

The Telford and Wrekin AP Steering group have agreed the AP Implementation Plan (APIP) which will further develop the three-tier model of Alternative Provision in Telford and Wrekin.

Funding for delivering the Alternative Provision Implementation Plan (APIP) has now been agreed.

Next steps:

  • AP Implementation Plan to begin.

How you can get involved:

  • An overview of the AP plan will be shared at the Autumn term SENCo network meeting.

Attend the Alternative Provision ‘Learning Lunch’ in December, more information HERE

ELSEC (Early Language Support for Every Child)

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin only

ELSEC seeks to support education settings by modelling how they might access a more flexible, responsive workforce for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs within Early Years and Primary School Settings.


A team of 7 SLCN Practitioners have now been recruited and will all start in September. Initially, they will focus on supporting schools and settings directly involved with the programme to screen identified cohorts of children for speech language and communication needs.

Next Steps:

  • Complete recruitment of a Band 7 SLT
  • Finalise training plan for the ELSEC workforce
  • Begin co-production of SLCN universal offer.

How you can get involved:

  • Attend the ELSEC Learning Lunch in September, more information HERE
  • Look out for further information and opportunities to get involved with co-producing the SLCN Universal Offer

Bands and Tariffs

The DfE are collating data from all Change Programme Partnerships regarding bands and tariffs used when provide high needs funding for SEND.

We have provided the requested data. No further work or engagement from the partnership areas is planned at this stage.


Strengthened Mediation

Mediation is part of the appeal process when there is disagreement over an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or an EHC Needs Assessment. Data is being collected to better understand the use and impact of SEND mediation.

We have contacted our mediation providers and have asked them start collecting mediation data ready for the first return at the end of September.

Next Steps:

  • Collate data returns. 
  • Analyse mediation data

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Standardisation

  • The DfE has produced a new, standardised template for EHCPs. The EHCP template is designed to improve the consistency and quality of EHCPs and is based on intensive coproduction.

The SEND team are continuing to test the EHC template and have already completed the initial 80 cases requested. They will continue to use the new template with some cases moving forward and this will be reviewed on a monthly basis.

We have carried out some initial feedback sessions with settings and parent carers but will be putting more of these on in the Autumn term.

Next Steps:

  • Early Years settings feedback session
  • Parent Carers feedback session
  • Schools feedback session 2

How you can get involved:

  • Book on to the relevant feedback session – details will be e-mailed out to relevant groups.


Multi Agency Panels

This reform seeks to implement minimum standards for Multiagency panels with the aim of seeing:

  • improved family experiences and confidence in SEN support (where relevant)
  • declining trends in mediation / tribunal rates

better join-up between strategical and operational practices across the partnership.


Our multiagency (EHC) panel has been observed by REACh and we have received very positive feedback regarding our panel's processes.  

Next Steps:

  • EHC Panel Terms of Reference to be updated to fully embed representation from across the system and improve parent carer confidence

How you can get involved:

  • Further updates to follow

Advisory Tailored Lists

Advisory tailored lists have been designed to improve experiences of the placement process by illustrating choice for families, ensuring placements are suitably matched for the needs of the child or young person, and supporting LAs to strategically manage their placements and provision.  

We have started to review the information about SEND provision in individual schools and settings currently available to Parent Carers on our Local Offer.

Next Steps:

  • Complete a ‘gap analysis’ task of available information against the criteria highlighted by parent carers from our ATL survey.

How you can get involved:

  • Attend the ATLs ‘Learning Lunch’ in October, more information HERE
  • We will be looking for a group of schools and settings to pilot an enhanced SEN Information Report that will provide parent carers with more comprehensive and accessible information regarding provision for SEND. If your setting is interested in taking part, please contact

National Standards and Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP)

Work on National Standards is being planned with a view to setting clear national expectations for what ‘good’ looks like in identifying and supporting the four areas of special educational needs.



In Telford and Wrekin we have reviewed what our current understanding is around Ordinarily Available Provision at a Local Authority level.

Next Steps:

  • To draw up a plan for further developing the expectations of Ordinarily Available Provision and Inclusive mainstream practice in Telford and Wrekin schools and settings and co-producing clear documentation.

How you can get involved:

  • Attend the Ordinarily Available Provision and Inclusive Mainstream Practice ‘Learning Lunch’ in November, more information HERE
  • Look out for opportunities to contribute to the development and testing of our Ordinarily Available Provision documents

Download this table for better viewing here

Overview of the Programme 

The main proposals that the SEND Review initially set out to achieve include: 

  • Creating a single national SEND and AP system aiming for greater consistency of support and provision for children with SEND.  

  • Excellent provision from early years to adulthood to ensure children and young people with SEND are prepared to thrive in employment and/or higher education.  

  • Alternative Provision to support children whose behaviour and other needs present a barrier to learning.  

  • System roles, accountabilities and funding reform to ensure clarity and effective collaboration.  

  • Delivering change so children can thrive, and families are able to navigate the system.  

Consultation led to three main areas being identified

  • Fulfil children’s potential: children and young people with SEND (or attending alternative provision) enjoy their childhood, achieve good outcomes and are well prepared for adulthood and employment;  

  • Build parents’ trust: parents and carers experience a fairer, easily navigable system (across education, health and care) that restores their confidence that their children will get the right support, in the right place, at the right time;  

  • Provide financial sustainability: local leaders make the best use of record investment in the high needs budget to meet children and young people’s needs and improve outcomes, while placing local authorities on a stable financial footing 

What is the purpose of the Improvement Plan? 

  • To test proposals to ensure they can be delivered – this will be done by working with you to gather feedback on your thoughts as to whether the proposals are effective or whether further changes need to be made 

  • To identify short steps to help stabilise the system and address immediate issues. 

What is the Aim of the Programme? 

  • To ensure that the voices of all children and young people with SEND or in alternative provision and their families are effectively heard and no group is disadvantaged in securing timely access to the right provision - irrespective of place, disadvantage, race or gender. 

  • Through the testing, iteration and evaluation of the DfE’s policy reforms, they will assess the extent to which they are enabling this ambition and refine plans accordingly. 

  • By intervening earlier in and child or young person’s life, this will help us in realising our ambition for a system that is genuinely focused on early identification and intervention. 

What are our Ambitions? 

  • SEND & AP is a complex system and previous experience of major reforms, such as in 2014, has highlighted the importance of fully understanding the implications of changes that are proposed for the sector. 

  • The SEND & AP Improvement Plan committed to a Change Programme for co-producing, testing and refining elements of an effective single national system via regional partnerships, to be underpinned in future by National Standards. 

  • Through the Change Programme Partnerships (CPPs) we are not just piloting individual changes but prototyping the new system in local areas to better understand how the reforms work together in practice across different contexts. 

  • Each CPP is testing broadly the same package of reforms, albeit with room to flex and adapt to local needs. This will help us build a clear picture of how the reforms work together, how difficult or resource-intensive the system is to implement and therefore identify what support all local areas might need to implement the changes nationally. 

  • Testing reforms collectively will also help us to spot unintended consequences created by how the reforms interact together and with the parts of the system we are not directly changing. 

  • Feedback and learning from local areas participating in the nine CPPs will allow the initial policies and guidance to be rapidly iterated and evidence of what is working (and not working) to be shared with the wider system. 

Key areas of development as part of the Change Programme 

  • A national system underpinned by National Standards 

  • Successful transitions and preparation for adulthood 

  • A skilled workforce and excellent leadership 

  • Strengthened accountabilities and clear routes of redress 

  • A financially sustainable system delivering improved outcomes 

  • Improving mainstream provision through high quality teaching and SEND training 

  • Standardise and digitise EHCPs 

What are the Reforms? 

Over the next 18 months, the Change Programme is testing a package of reforms that focus on critical elements of how SEND & AP services operate in local areas. DfE need to know about how each reform works and what it takes to implement it, but also how they interact and work together to influence outcomes in local system. 

The areas of focus are: 

  • Local Area Inclusion Plan 

  • SEND and AP Inclusion Dashboard 

  • EHCP Standardisation 

  • Multi-Agency Panels 

  • Strengthened Approaches to SEND Mediation 

  • Alternative Provision Reform – 3-Tier Model 

  • Framework for National Standards 

  • Bands and Tariffs 

  • Advisory Tailored Lists 

  • Early Language and Support for Every Child (ELSEC) 

Through testing the SEND & AP reforms, local areas will be able to evidence which interventions are working and parts of the system that need further development, helping the DfE to understand what it will take to ensure more sustainable change in the SEND system.  

The SEND and AP system will be integrated across health, education and care, with these local SEND and AP partnerships working together to produce an inclusion plan that sets out how they will work together to commission and deliver identified need so that children and young people and their parent carers will have access to inclusive support through a mainstream offer or in specialist settings including alternative provision. 

Additional information about some of the reforms we are currently working on... 

Local Area Inclusion Plan 

Local strategic planning is the foundation to ensure that there is a sufficient level of high-quality accessible provision in a local area to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND and those who need AP. SEND and AP Partnerships will amalgamate education, health and care and enable local partners to work collaboratively to meet their statutory responsibilities for children and young people with SEND and those who need AP. 

This reform covers: 

  • A new governance model for local SEND and AP Partnerships, which will include increasing transparency and accountability in decision making. 

  • A new national template that will unify existing documents to create a single local area inclusion plan. 

EHCP Standardisation 

We want to establish a single national EHCP system by 2025 which makes best practice common practice in producing and maintaining an EHCP.  

This will improve the experience of getting/ providing an EHCP but will also improve the quality of plans and thus better supporting children and young people to enjoy maximum possible independence in adulthood. It will also make it easier for partners and professionals to work in consistent ways with shared language, especially those who work across different local areas.  

Finally, a national digital system will require greater consistency. 

All EHCP statutory requirements, including eligibility for an EHCP, statutory timescales etc. are unchanged. 

The first phase of testing this reform covers: 

  • Analogue prototype for a standardised EHCP template and potentially from February/ March supporting advice templates 

  • This work has close dependencies with use of multi-agency panels to support parental confidence in needs assessment, advisory tailored lists and strengthened mediation. 

Each Local Authority is being asked to test the EHCP template with a minimum of 80 EHCPs. 

Early Language and Support for Every Child (ELSEC) 

We want to test the use of pre-registration speech & language therapy assistants to improve the identification and support of children with speech, language, and communication needs in early years and primary school settings; in turn improving access to and the quality of ordinarily available provision. 

This reform covers: 

  • The ability for local areas to develop partnerships across health and education, to form ELSEC pathfinders. 

  • Recruitment & training of innovative workforce models, e.g. support worker roles, to identify children with speech & language communication needs. 

  • Following identification, to deliver appropriate universal or targeted support. Children requiring specialist speech & language therapy will be referred via existing local pathways. 

  • This intervention will be delivered within early years & primary school setting. 

Locally we are planning to enhance the use of Talk Boost and provide some additional universal support for selected mainstream primary schools and early years settings, we anticipate that the ELSEC programme will be rolled out in 30 mainstream primary schools and early years settings across Telford & Wrekin.   

Advisory Tailored Lists 

Local Authorities will provide families with an advisory tailored list of settings to support parents, carers and young people to express an informed preference for a suitable placement, informed by early engagement with families to better understand the needs of the child and any family preferences. 

During the Change Programme, there will be no change to the existing statutory framework and parents and young people’s existing rights will be unaffected. 

We expect that advisory tailored lists will improve experiences of the placement process by illustrating choice for families, ensuring placements are suitably matched for the needs of the child or young person, and supporting LAs to strategically manage their placements and provision.  

They also have potential to improve effective co-production between LAs and families, serving as an aligned starting point, derived from standardised guidance, around which to have a conversation about the most appropriate placement.  

Local authorities will have the opportunity to advise families and guide them towards the most suitable available provision. 

What’s Next? 

Moving forward, we will be sending out regular updates about the Change Programme in the SEND Newsletter and via our local parent carer forums. This will include dates of any upcoming workshops and engagement events to allow for professionals across Health and Education Settings, as well as young people and their parents and carers to come and have their say and to give their feedback on the reforms. 

REACh Newsletter

The Reaching Excellence and Ambition for all Children (REACh) consortium is the delivery partner to the Department for Education (DfE), working with DfE and local areas to test the proposed changes to the SEND and AP System, as set out in the Improvement Plan.

Please click here for more information and to view the latest edition of the REACh newsletter

SEND and AP Change Programme ‘Learning Lunches’...

We are launching some virtual ‘Learning Lunches’ to keep Schools, Post-16 providers and Early Years settings up to date with progress on each of the reforms being tested as part of the SEND and AP Change Programme. Each session will focus on a different theme/reform which will be advertised on this page prior to the event. The sessions will be fortnightly this term and will move to monthly from September. So grab your lunch and join us for key updates around the reforms.


Time and Venue


Tuesday 24th September 2024

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


Tuesday 22nd October 2024

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams

Advisory Tailored Lists

Tuesday 19th November 2024

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams

Ordinarily Available Provision and Inclusive Mainstream Practice

Tuesday 17th December 2024

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams

Alternative Provision

Tuesday 28th January 2025

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


Tuesday 25th February 2025

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


Tuesday 25th March 2025

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


Tuesday 29th April 2025

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


Tuesday 20th May 2025

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


Tuesday 24th June 2025

12.30 – 1.00pm, MS Teams


To book your place at these learning lunch sessions, simply send an email to, stating your name, school/setting name, email address and the date of the session you wish to attend.  As these sessions are free of charge there is no need to send a completed CPD booking form on this occasion - thank you.